Underfloor Insulation Rochdale

and Spray Foam Insulation Rochdale

Serving in Rochdale

Rochdale is perfectly placed at the foothills of the South Pennines, a stone’s throw from some of the North West’s most beautiful countryside.

It rose to prominence in the 1800s as central to the North’s cotton spinning and textile production during the Industrial Revolution, and over the last few years has benefited from millions of pounds of investment, which has resulted in, amongst other things, excellent transport links to nearby Manchester.

As is typical of many Northern towns that were central to the Industrial movement, a lot of the properties date back to the 1800s, and although the houses are built to stand the test of time, energy-efficient they are not.

It is important for properties in Rochdale to make sure they are optimised for warmth and protection against drafts, noise and dampness.

Installing spray foam insulation in Rochdale properties is a way to ensure maximum protection against heat loss, moisture damage and drafts.

Locations throughout the UK where we operate

Spray foam insulation Rochdale

To ensure a happy home with the comfort and protection of modern-day living, spray foam insulation is a superior option for houses and other properties in Rochdale.

Icynene is the most superior of spray foam insulation products, and Green Horizon Energy Solutions are one of the only certified suppliers of Icynene in the North.

The insulation is a unique liquid that expands and solidifies on impact when applied. It looks and feels very different to the more familiar insulation, such as rock wool, that most people are familiar with.

It is sprayed onto an area, such as between wall cavities or in the rafters of a roof, and once applied it expands quickly and effectively to fill every nook and cranny in that area so that within 10 seconds it has expanded to 100 times its original size. This allows it to fill any gaps around electrical boxes, plumbing or caballing, without interfering or causing damage.

Curing of the spray foam insulation takes approximately 24 hours, after which it retains its remarkable properties, which includes:

• Noise reduction via sound proofing, reducing the impact of airborne noise

• Reduction in pest, bacteria and fungus, as the spray foam provides no source of food to such pests

• Higher air quality due to sealing against allergen entry

• Virtual elimination of air movement, significantly reducing drafts

• Improved heat retention through the elimination of air leaks

• Significant protection against water and damp issues

• Increased energy efficiency

Spray foam underfloor insulation Rochdale

Approximately 40% of excess heat loss from Rochdale properties is via doors, windows and through the floor, which consequently costs residents hundreds of pounds a year in wasted heating costs.

Spray foam underfloor insulation is an extremely effective and efficient way of preventing excessive heat loss from properties in Rochdale.

The liquid substance expands and solidifies on impact with surfaces within 10 seconds, filling any gap and creating an airtight seal, which in turn protects underfloor areas and prevents excessive heat loss. It is also completely safe and practical for use around wiring, plumbing and electrical appliances.

Loft Insulation Rochdale

Rochdale properties can benefit from loft insulation to help combat wasted energy costs and also improve carbon emissions, especially in properties with high energy usage, such as large families or house shares.

Insulating the roof and the floor of the loft between beams is most beneficial, and because of the shape of most roof areas, the most effective way to insulate the space is to use a spray foam method. Because it expands on application, the entire space is filled, which creates an airtight seal and causes minimal disruption to installation.

Spray roof insulation Rochdale

Heat loss via a roof void is commonplace and is usually the cause of up to 25% of a property’s energy loss.

Spray roof insulation is the perfect solution to help retain heat and prevent energy loss. The spray application method means greater accuracy and more expansive coverage than other types of insulation, which prevents heat escaping and reduces pests and bacteria in the air, creating a better air quality.

Spray roof insulation in Rochdale properties can also help protect against damp issues, which can be a significant problem, especially in older properties.

Green Horizon Energy Solutions are trusted by residential and commercial customers all over Rochdale to make their properties more energy-efficient through the fast, efficient and cost-effective installation of spray foam insulation. We are dedicated to providing eco-friendly, state-of-the-art products and technologies to help our customers create a healthier, quieter environment that can save them money and reduce their energy waste.

Why not give us a call?

We'll help and assist you to find the best solution helping to make savings of up to 40% on energy bills.

Get your FREE quotation for Icynene Spray Foam Insulation

Icynene products are soft, flexible and breathable, expanding to 100 times their original size upon application, filling every crevice, gap and void. The spray method by which it is applied means it is incredibly versatile and can quickly and effectively cover the most complex of structures with ease. It can be applied directly to a variety of materials, including timber and steel, as well as walls, underlay and roofing membranes due to its low water absorption, high vapour resistance and breathability.

Effective in any climate, it isn’t affected by humidity and it does not degrade over time or move once applied, making it perfect for underfloor, wall, roof, loft and sound insulation solutions. It is also the only foam on the market to have achieved BBA, ETA and IAB certification.

Our services

Roll Out Roof & Loft Insulation

Choosing the right roof insulation is one of the most cost-effective ways to make your home more energy efficient.

Spray Foam

Commercial foam insulation can be used for Commercial properties used for business often face expensive utility bills.

Spray Foam Insulation

Green Horizon Energy Solutions is one of only a handful of contractors across the UK who can offer the revolutionary HBS Spray Foam Insulation.

Air Conditioning
Unit Installation

Our Air Conditioning / Heat Pumps are a cost-effective way to heat or cool your space.

Underfloor Insulation

Underfloor insulation is one of the most overlooked aspects of insulation in old buildings, yet it can be one of the most cost-effective solutions to making a warm draught free home.

Buildings of
Special Interest

Green Horizon Energy Solutions is highly proficient in dealing with the complex nature of buildings of special interest.

What are the key benefits of Spray Foam Insulation?

Cost saving

Due to the nature of Icynene products, the foam, once applied, creates an air seal within a property, helping to prevent heat loss. This will reduce the amount of heat needed to fill the building, in turn saving money year after year.

Healthier environment

Airborne pollutants, including dirt and dust, are often the trigger of allergies and can contribute to lower air quality. Icynene will help to shield property from such aggravators, as the foam will expand to create an internal seal, improving the quality of the air in the property, helping to alleviate common causes of irritation.

25 year manufacturer's warranty

Green Horizon Energy Solutions is one of only a handful of fully accredited, official contractors of Icynene in the UK, meaning all of our technicians are fully licensed installers. As such, we are able to offer as standard a 25-year warranty on the product for all installs.

Protection from damp, mould and pests

Icynene open cell spray foam is engineered in such a way that it does not retain water; instead it allows water vapour to diffuse through the insulation and dissipate from the building’s envelope, keeping out moisture from the internal structure which is a big cause of damp and mould. It is also breathable, which helps to prevent condensation. It also helps to deter pests such as mice, rats, termites, mites from entering a property, as once the product solidifies, these pests will find it difficult to gain entry or make nests.

Speed and accuracy of insulation

Icynene Spray Foam Insulation offer a variety of products for different applications, depending on the project’s needs. Each has its own unique characteristics, but can all be installed quickly and effectively, more so than traditional insulation methods, meaning minimum downtime for any business.

Reduced noise

Icynene products deliver high levels of sound insulation from inside and outside a property by virtually eliminating airborne sounds such as music, telephones, conversations and all mid to high range frequency noise. It is especially effective for those properties situated on a busy road to help eliminate traffic noise and can make huge positive differences to living spaces prone to external noise.

No draughts

Air leakage can be responsible for up to half of a property’s energy loss. The air-seal created by applying Icynene to the internal structure of a building means no gaps exist from which a draught can appear; this helps maintain a more consistent internal temperature, minimises heat loss and reduces waste, creating an efficient and comfortable living or working space.

Lower carbon footprint

As Icynene helps to reduce heat loss from a property, much less energy is needed to help keep a comfortable temperature throughout, thereby reducing a property’s carbon footprint on the environment.

Safe and certified

Icynene is non-toxic and is certified by the BBA, ETA and IAB.

Why not give us a call?

We'll help and assist you to find the best solution helping to make savings of up to 40% on energy bills.

Spray Foam Insulation FAQ's

Due to the nature of Icynene products, the foam, once applied, creates an air seal within a property, helping to prevent heat loss. This will reduce the amount of heat needed to fill the building, in turn saving money year after year.

As Icynene helps to reduce heat loss from a property, much less energy is needed to help keep a comfortable temperature throughout, thereby reducing a property’s carbon footprint on the environment.

Air leakage can be responsible for up to half of a property’s energy loss. The air seal created by applying Icynene to the internal structure of a building means no gaps exist from which a draft can appear; this helps maintain a more consistent internal temperature, minimises heat loss and reduces waste, creating an efficient and comfortable living or working space.

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